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sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018


So many things happen
while the sun passes
the river passes
trash truck, pain, rat passes,
the protests
the neighbor
the leaf passes,
the time of the appointment, passes
the salty taste
the image
the bread through the throat
the fear of bogeyman
the cold passes
the fever of uncertainty, passes;
so many things happen
while the moon passes
the dream passes
the guard
the crazy passes
the smoke
the spiders and the desire passes
the kiss on the stairs
-the hands re-passes
the caresses and the eyes too-
the weeping minute
the trip, april and tuesday
and my life, passes...
like everything passes
¡everything! except you
you, that do not happen
or passes.


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"Toda crítica verdadera es un acto de amor".

En algún poema te encontrarás un día, y ese será un lugar para tí, a donde volver siempre.


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